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Explainer Video Business

Welcome to the consumer goods wonderland,
where the products are as cool as your
grandma's secret recipe for cookies!

At The Video Business, we've been whipping up animated marketing videos for a solid decade.


So, whether you're selling gadgets that make life easier or goodies that make life sweeter, we've got the creative chops to make your brand sparkle like a disco ball at a retro party!


Let's turn your products into the talk of the town, one animated video at a time.


Picture this: in a sea of static content, your brand's story comes to life like never before. With our animated explainer videos, you'll captivate your audience faster than you can say "add to cart."

It's simple: we're not just in the video business; we're in the relationship business.

Simplify Complex Concepts

Got a product with more features than a Swiss army knife? No problem!


Our animated explainer videos break down even the most complex concepts into bite-sized, easy-to-understand nuggets of wisdom. Your customers will be saying, "Aha!" in no time.

Boost Brand Awareness

Stand out in a sea of competitors with videos that showcase your products in all their glory.


Whether it's gadgets, gizmos, or gourmet goodies, we'll make sure your brand shines like a supernova in the crowded consumer goods cosmos.

Instant Attention-Grabber

Let's face it; people's attention spans are shorter than a TikTok video.

Standing out is tough. But you know what grabs eyeballs? Engaging videos.

We've mastered the art of capturing attention and holding it, even in a world of distractions.

Unleash your Creativity

Captivate your audience from the get-go with dynamic visuals and captivating storytelling. Say goodbye to boring slideshows and hello to animated awesomeness that grabs attention and keeps it locked in!

Drive Sales & Conversions

At the end of the day, it's all about those sweet, sweet conversions.


With our animated explainer videos, you'll turn curious browsers into eager buyers faster than you can say, "Add to Cart." Get ready to watch those sales numbers soar!

Social Media Stardom

Rule the social media landscape with shareable, thumb-stopping content that gets people talking, liking, and sharing like there's no tomorrow.

Engage your audience with storytelling that leaves a lasting impression and builds brand loyalty.

Flexibility and Versatility

Whether you're launching a new product, explaining a complex concept, or just want to inject some fun into your brand, animated videos can do it all.


Sure, we could write a book about consumer goods marketing challenges, but that's not our style. We'd rather chat, share ideas, and create videos that make your brand shine like a supernova.

Ten years in this exciting space have made us experts at what we do.


Ready to make some video magic together?


Reach out to us by filling out the form below and let's dive headfirst into the exciting world of consumer goods marketing together!


Client Testimonial VP of Marketing and Sales

"Our company has worked with Lisa Lyttle and her team on numerous video projects and we've been thoroughly thrilled with all of them. The fact that she can discuss the concept with us in a short but informative initial conversation and then build a whole video campaign around it is a testament to her ingenuity and talent. The whole process couldn't have been easier and for what you get, incredibly affordable. On top of that, they do not consider the job done until the client is 100% happy with the final project. She is always available to the client and offers great suggestions as well as being a great listener and understanding the clients needs. I would recommend Lisa and her company wholeheartedly!"

Ryan Swerdloff - VP of Marketing & Sales, Vinpower Digitial

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