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Explainer Video Business

Healthcare & Medical Devices:
The Diagnosis

We see you out there, battling the marketing monsters of your industry.
It's no secret – the healthcare realm can be a tad daunting, and medical devices? They're like the unsung heroes of health tech. 
The Healthcare Hurdles
Navigating the healthcare industry is like solving a puzzle with a million pieces. You're dealing with life-changing innovations, intricate regulations, complex procedures, and the constant need for trust make your path even more challenging. It's a tightrope walk that even the most skilled acrobat would envy.


We've got the secret sauce to turn it all around – it's called VIDEO MARKETING!

So, what's the scoop on the marketing challenges you're facing?

👁️ Visual Medicine

We take complex medical jargon and turn it into visually stunning narratives that even your grandma could understand.

💡 Educational Elixir

Break down intricate medical processes and device functionalities into digestible nuggets of knowledge.

Your audience will thank you.

📈 Engagement Rx

Videos aren't just informative; they're engaging. Keep your audience glued to the screen while you educate and inform.

🤝 Trust Builder

In healthcare, trust is everything.


Video humanizes your brand, helping you connect with patients, physicians, and stakeholders on a personal level.

🌍 Global Reach

With the power of the internet, your message can reach patients and professionals worldwide. Video breaks down geographical barriers.

🚀 Success Stories

Ever seen a medical device video go viral? We have. And we can make it happen for you.

🌟 Stars of the Show

It's not about the products; it's about the people. We bring the human touch to your brand, making it relatable and trustworthy.

Our Prescription

At The Video Business, we're more than just video creators. We're your partners in transforming healthcare and medical device marketing. We specialize in crafting videos that make complex ideas feel like a walk in the park.


Ready to take the healthcare world by storm?

Let's chat and brainstorm how video marketing can be your secret to success. No pressure, just a relaxed conversation about your goals and how we can help you achieve them.


Reach out to us at by filling out the form below and let's make healthcare marketing not just effective but downright enjoyable!

Cheers to your healthcare revolution!


Client Testimonial VP of Marketing and Sales

"Our company has worked with Lisa Lyttle and her team on numerous video projects and we've been thoroughly thrilled with all of them. The fact that she can discuss the concept with us in a short but informative initial conversation and then build a whole video campaign around it is a testament to her ingenuity and talent. The whole process couldn't have been easier and for what you get, incredibly affordable. On top of that, they do not consider the job done until the client is 100% happy with the final project. She is always available to the client and offers great suggestions as well as being a great listener and understanding the clients needs. I would recommend Lisa and her company wholeheartedly!"

Ryan Swerdloff - VP of Marketing & Sales
Vinpower Digitial


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