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  • Writer's pictureLisa Lyttle

20 Engaging Marketing Videos to Skyrocket Your Business

20 marketing videos to boost sales in business

At The Video Business, one of the most common things we hear from marketing professionals is, “We don’t know what kind of marketing videos we need in our business.”

It’s nothing to be embarrassed about, and the truth of the matter is, it can be quite overwhelming to try and think what kind of videos are going to make the most impact for your company. Most of us don’t have an uncapped marketing budget, so a lot of the time we try to save money and we end up creating low-budget, in-house marketing videos that almost always become a waste of time because they’re un-engaging and ineffective.

In order for you to attract and acquire new customers, you need to generate diverse forms of content. Video is the most powerful way to connect with potential customers, engage with them, and educate them about your products and services.

We will share with you twenty (20) of the most powerful videos you should be making for your business regardless of what you sell and what industry you are in.

1.) Product Videos

What are you selling? This video should include a demonstration and the features and benefits of the product or service that you offer. Product Demonstration videos will educate your customer on how to use your product or service. You can highlight key features and benefits and add visuals of your products in action. This helps your customers visualize how your product or service can be used in their daily lives or how it can help them in their business.

2.) Q & A Videos

It’s incredibly surprising how many companies don’t have a Q&A video. Everyone has questions about your business, or your product or service. EVERYONE.

Hopefully by now, you should know the most common questions your customers ask. Don’t wait around for a potential client to go out of their way to contact you when they have a basic question. You could be waiting around forever and it could be the loss of a sale. Have their answers readily available to them.

Also, no one has the time to search and read a long page of Q&As on your website. Make it as easy as possible for your client to buy from you.

There’s a couple ways you can create videos to answer their questions. You can compile all the most commonly-asked questions in one video or you can split them up into a series of shorter videos, which is what we recommend. Then post the videos on your website, social media platforms and/or add it as a link when you’re sending out information or proposals. By answering their questions in video, you provide your customer with more details about your business, it shows complete transparency and you start building trust with them. Building Trust brings in sales.

3.) Tutorial videos

This is different from a product demo, so don’t confuse the two. Tutorials educate your customers on how to use your product or service in great detail, step-by-step.

For example, let’s say you want to impress your partner by cooking them an amazing dinner, but you’re a terrible cook. So you read the recipe online, but there’s no video and no pictures so you’re not really sure if you’re following the instructions correctly. In the end, your dinner turns out nothing like the picture they advertised, it tastes terrible and you’re left disappointed. You’ll probably give that recipe a bad review.

But if you were able to follow along with a video, you can see exactly what you are doing and what each step is supposed to look like. In the end, your dinner looks exactly like it’s supposed to, you’ve impressed your partner, everything tastes delicious and you’ll most-likely leave a glowing review for that recipe.

It’s the exact same thing when it comes to your product or service. If your client doesn’t FULLY understand how to use it or operate it, they will be left frustrated and you’ll receive complaints and negative reviews. So make it as easy as possible for them when they do buy your product or service and leave them with the feeling that they made the best choice by purchasing from your company.

4.) Case Studies or Testimonial Videos

If you want an easy way to build trust and credibility with your potential customers, then enhance your marketing strategy by creating customer testimonials and case study videos. They are highly effective in promoting your company, you’ll gain new customers and build immediate trust.

5.) Social media videos

The best way to post social media videos is to create short videos or taking clips from other videos you’ve created and posting on your various social media platforms. Now the key here is to keep them short, 15-45 seconds is the sweet spot. You want them fast-paced to maintain the attention of your social media followers. It’s also important to keep up with the current social media trends and use hashtags on all your channels.

Depending on the product or service you offer, some social media platforms are better than others when trying to engage with new customers. LinkedIn is fabulous for B2B, instagram has a younger audience in general and is great for consumer good products and then there’s Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and many others, so you need to adjust your marketing based on the platforms you choose to use.

6.) Trade Show Videos

Incorporating a video into your trade show booth can have a significant impact on your overall success at the event. By grabbing attention, showcasing your products, engaging visitors, and extending your brand's reach, videos enhance your booth's effectiveness and help you stand out in a crowded trade show environment. Embrace the power of video, and elevate your trade show presence to new heights.

7.) About Us / Meet the Team Videos

A "Meet the Team" video is a great way to highlight your company culture as part of an "About Us" video. By showcasing select employees in a behind-the-scenes video and introducing them by their names and roles, viewers can gain valuable understanding of your company and establish a sense of connection. This approach also helps cultivate a stronger personal bond with your business as viewers become acquainted with the individuals behind the brand.

8.) Animated Videos

Animation is a fantastic tool to captivate and entertain your audience while delivering your company's content. Through animated videos, you have various avenues to explore, such as narrating your company's journey, sharing customer experiences, teaching new skills, or educating viewers on specific subjects. By incorporating animation into your videos, you can enhance creativity and visual appeal, resulting in a more enjoyable and captivating viewing experience for your audience.

9.) Webinar Videos

Webinar videos are online seminars that offer a platform for learning and networking. During a webinar, a presenter shares information, while the audience has the opportunity to ask questions. You can utilize webinars as a marketing tactic by featuring your products or delivering comprehensive insights about your company. This form of video content enables you to engage with a live audience, or you can record the webinar for later viewing and discussion.

10.) Interview Videos

Interview videos are a powerful tool for connecting with industry influencers, showcasing employee perspectives, and engaging with your audience. By creating well-crafted interviews, involving your social media followers, and valuing customer input, you can elevate your video content strategy and foster meaningful connections. Establish thought leadership, enhance customer value and solidify your brand's position within the industry.

11.) Live Stream Videos

An alternative form of video content to consider is live streaming, which enables viewers to watch videos in real-time. Live streams can be utilized to present events, unveil new products, or host Q&A sessions. Some companies even offer the option for viewers to submit questions during the live stream, fostering audience interaction.

Once the live stream concludes, you have the option to create a recorded version of it. This allows individuals who missed the live stream to watch it at a later time, while also providing you with supplementary content to share on your website and social media platforms.

12.) Vlogs

Vlogs, or video blogs, are a fantastic way to create meaningful and conversational connections with viewers. Whether you partner with an influencer to showcase your products or enlist a team member to document your company's activities, vlogs offer an informal and engaging approach to sharing content. Typically, a vlog features an influencer or spokesperson using your products or services in their daily life, which effectively demonstrates the practical value of your offerings.

13.) Video Presentations

Video presentations are an effective way to deliver information to audiences using a combination of visual aids and narration. Typically, these videos consist of presentation slides with accompanying audio narration. This format can be useful for instructional purposes, such as teaching customers how to use your product or service. By breaking down instructions into easy-to-follow steps with visual aids, viewers can better retain information. Plus, the flexibility of video allows viewers to pause, rewind, or re-watch content as needed.

14.) Branding Videos

A branding video, also referred to as a brand film, leverages storytelling, sound effects, and visuals to deliver a captivating portrayal of your company's mission, vision, and values. Through a well-executed brand film, you can effectively highlight the level of professionalism that can resonate with potential customers.

15.) Event Videos

Event videos offer a valuable opportunity to create marketing content around your company's events. By capturing highlights of the event on video, you can effectively showcase your company and engage with potential customers who were unable to attend. These video snippets can be shared on social media or compiled into a montage video for your website, serving as a powerful tool to attract customers and generate interest in upcoming events.

16.) Video Emails

If you haven’t tried this yet, stop what you’re doing and make one immediately. Video email is where you replace traditional written emails with a video message. Instead of including text, you create a video that contains the same information you would typically convey in an email, which is then attached to the email. This approach offers a more engaging and visually captivating alternative to conventional text-based emails, enabling your messages to stand out amidst the sea of emails in your target customers' inboxes. This not only saves them time, but also builds instant credibility and trust with your potential customer. Plus, everyone likes to put a face to a name.

17.) Product Review Videos

Product review videos are a powerful tool for presenting and promoting your products. One strategy involves sending your product to an influencer, allowing them to provide an unbiased review in a video format. This approach lends credibility to the review, as it is conducted by an external party rather than someone within your company. Additionally, you can actively search for unsolicited video reviews of your products and seek permission from the creators to share or feature their videos through your own channels. By leveraging product review videos, you can effectively showcase your offerings and engage with a wider audience.

18.) Topic Videos

These are videos that focus on a specific subject related to your company's expertise. For example, if your business is in the healthcare industry, you could produce a series of videos that provide useful information about leading a healthy lifestyle. By creating videos on a subject that is relevant to your industry, you can expand your audience and attract potential customers.

19.) Company Digest Videos

Company digest videos serve as a means to keep customers updated on the latest news, events, and updates pertaining to the company. The format of these videos may vary, allowing you to cover a range of topics based on your specific requirements. Sharing digest videos is a highly effective strategy to nurture a strong connection with your customers and cultivate trust.

20.) Skit Videos

Incorporating skit videos into your marketing strategy can bring a delightful dose of humor. These light-hearted videos have the power to evoke a positive emotional response from viewers, thereby creating a favorable impression of your company. Utilizing a skit as a form of advertisement allows you to showcase the interaction between characters and your products or services while telling a concise, engaging story. By embracing skit videos, you can infuse your marketing efforts with entertainment and effectively captivate your audience.

At The Video Business, we specialize in ALL of these different types of videos. We can help you create short, impactful videos that will boost your business, build trust and credibility in your brand and ultimately get your business more sales.

For more information you can reach us at 1-415-234-4440, email us at or visit us on our website at


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