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  • Writer's pictureLisa Lyttle

Thinking of Creating an Explainer Video For Your Business?

Hi friends, Lisa here from The VIDEO Business. I firstly want to say I'm so glad you're thinking of getting an explainer video for your business - your company's products and services need it! But before you get started, I wanted to give five super easy steps that will help you prepare for it. Now, I’m sure you’re familiar with what an explainer video is, but just in case you’re not, they are short videos, usually around 1-2 minutes long that simplify complex concepts & ideas and they speak directly to your target audience.

Explainer videos are just that ---they explain something. In this case, they explain your business or your product or your service. Your viewers can digest the information very easily, because everything we talk about inside the video is broken down into bite-sized pieces and we make it very easy for them to understand. The reason explainer videos work so well and are so successful is because they are brief and direct, they’re straight to the point. They tend to be very memorable and the information is retained by your viewer.

Step 1 - Get Clear on the Purpose

The very first thing you want to do is get super crystal clear on WHAT the purpose is for your video. Why do you need one? Maybe you need one to show your target audience how something works….Or maybe you need it so you can start generating more leads or more sales? Or maybe you have a complex product or service that you offer but your audience is just confused about it? Whatever the reason is, it’s important to get clear on what the purpose is for your video.

Step 2 - Determine Your Target Audience

Next you want to determine WHO your target audience is. This is your secret sauce, your magic pill, your lucky penny. Who do you want to be watching your video?

Does your audience already know all about you and you’re retargeting them or do they have no clue who you are or what you do?

This is a good time to come up with your customer avatar. What’s their age group? What do they do? What do they like? What’s their interests? Are they located in a specific area or can you find them all over the world?

Knowing WHO your target audience crucial. This is not only going to determine the style of your video but it’s also going to be the “thing” that makes your video so successful.

Step 3 - What Does Your Target Audience Need Help With

The third step you want to take is figuring out what your target audience wants or needs.

What is the problem they have? What frustrates them the most? What keeps them awake at night? If you can identify your audience’s challenges & frustrations and you show them that YOU have the solution to solve their problem, they will convince themselves that you have the answer and that they need your help with your products or services.

Step 4 - What Message Do You Want to Communicate?

One of the biggest issues I see all the time is that you have been working inside your industry or inside your company most-likely for a long time. You know your products and services inside and out and unless we work at your company, the rest of us don’t really understand what you have to offer. So try to take yourself out of your current position. Let’s pretend you are speaking with your 80 year old grandma and she has no clue what you do. How would you explain to her what you have to offer so that she can understand?

This is one of the easiest and most effective strategies to clarify your audience's mind. How you convey your message to them immediately is really important. You want it to “click” for them right off the bat. This will keep them interested and engaged. Your audience will feel instantly connected to you because they feel like you understand their problems.

A good way to do this is by asking your audience a question that they can relate to.

For example: Let’s say you sell earphones that mold to your ears and never fall out. You could start off by saying “Aren’t you tired of your earphones always falling out of your ears while you run?” Instantly relatable to your target audience. Then you follow up and propose your solution. “Hey, guess what! I’ve got these super cool earphones that mold to your ears and they’ll never fall out while you run again”. You have pointed out their problem and you provided them with a solution. Now your viewer has just come to realize that they NEED you.

Step 5 - Prepare Your Call to Action

You need a call to action. You wouldn’t believe how many company videos I’ve seen without a Call to action. Not having a CTA is like leaving money on the table. You’re missing out on sales - 100%! You need to tell your viewers what to do next. “Send a message, Book a call, Email us!”...whatever it is, make it crystal clear and easy.

Don’t keep your audience guessing and wondering what to do. Hold their hand and tell them exactly what to do before the video ends. “Great, you like these earphones? Click the link and order now!” Go for killer call to action.

A Little Bonus Tip...

Keep in mind how you want your video to look. Maybe there’s a certain color or pattern you want? Maybe you want a serious style instead of a fun character style? Maybe you want happy music or maybe you want sad music? Think about where you’re publishing it. Are you putting it on social media? On your website? Or at a tradeshow? Or all 3? Does your video need captions or subtitles?

Yes, I realize there’s a lot to think about when it comes to preparing for an explainer video..but that’s also why we’re here. Just like you, you know your business inside and out, well we know ours. There’s no need to stress, let the VIDEO Business help you. We are professionals and we’ll create the most amazing explainer video for your business.

Contact me today and lets chat about your business.

Lisa Lyttle | Founder



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